How to get your principal involved and raise more money.
Maximizing profits is usually right at the top of the list of priorities for every sponsor. Of course, you're good if you reach your goal and raise enough money to accomplish your objectives. Now the real question is, how do you get there?
When selling any school fundraising product, there are two primary things to consider. What you sell, and how well you motivate your group.
Choosing the right product comes down to understanding your community. Past sales history, price, and product exclusivity are essential things to consider. Yet, you can have the right product but still not have an inspired group. What you use for prizes and how well you promote your incentives can make the difference between reaching or exceeding your goal and falling short.
Most will agree that getting your students excited about your fundraiser is not that difficult. The opportunity to win prizes for selling items out of a brochure will excite almost any student. And the kickoff assembly is the perfect environment with students feeding off the energy and enthusiasm in the room.
Gaining the support of your parents is usually tied to how eager their children are. Students that come home determined to make sales can impact whether or not their parents get involved. Teacher involvement in school fundraising can also make a difference because they see students as often as parents.
However, if you had to pick the most influential person with the most significant potential for positive impact, it would have to be the principal.
Since they're probably the most influential person in the school, it's evident that obtaining their support for your fundraiser can make a big difference. Instead of just asking them to approve your sale as most sponsors do, why not go a step further and get them directly engaged? Your sale can benefit from their involvement. You may be curious about how to leverage this opportunity.
Here are two ways to get your principal to help your cause.
1. Win Principal Support
Maintaining an ongoing relationship with the principal is critical. It's essential to stay in periodic communication in order to keep them informed about your ideas and objectives. When you finally sit down with the principal to discuss your fundraiser, before you share your intentions, have a list of fact-finding questions prepared. Why not ask them about their needs and how your organization can help them? Seeing things from their perspective allows you to find common ground and mutual interest.
Once you understand their concerns, you're ready to make your pitch. Your first objective is to sell them on your purpose and how it will help solve the need. Hopefully, you've also gathered information from parents and teachers about what they think will help the school. This will help you have a more well-rounded perspective and allows you to communicate your purpose better.
When it comes to approaching the principal, we recommend that you do the following:
- Respect their time by requesting an appointment. This will also give you more time to make your case.
- Show up prepared. Before the meeting, write down what you plan to discuss and have your notepad ready to take notes. Principals are busy, so you'll need to use your time wisely.
- Dress for success. Make a strong impression by dressing professionally.
With the help of parents and principals alike, there are helpful resource tips available that can facilitate a good working relationship with your principal, thus better bridging the gap between home and school. The ultimate goal of your fundraiser should be to implement programs or have events that will enrich the student's learning experiences.
2. Gain Principal Involvement
Once you've won their support, your next objective is to get them to participate in your promotional efforts. The principal can help unite the entire school behind your sales goal. They can also assist you in promoting your fundraiser kickoff as well as make daily announcements.
You should always tie their involvement into a way to increase sales. For example, you can request the students that if the school reaches its goal, the principal will agree to do something in return. Here are some suggestions:
- Slime the Principal
- Tape them to the wall
- Spend a day on the roof (weather permitting)
- Come to school in their pajamas
- Dye their hair
- Kiss a toad
- Dress up as a ____________ (perhaps as the school mascot)
The ideas for this activity are limitless. And none of them are time-consuming. Once the principal understands what you are trying to accomplish, they may also think of their ideas. Your main objective is to make these activities fun and entertaining for the students; otherwise, it won't motivate them to make the extra effort to increase sales.
Here are some fun school fundraising incentive ideas that utilize the principal to motivate your students to get out and sell.
Author Bio
Clay Boggess has been designing fundraising programs for schools and various nonprofit organizations throughout the US since 1999. He’s helped administrators, teachers, and outside support entities such as PTAs and PTOs raise millions of dollars. Clay is an owner and partner at Big Fundraising Ideas.