2 Parent Fundraiser Incentives that can Boost Sales

Submitted by Clay Boggess on

Simple ways to raise funds for your school's co-curricular activities.

Everyone seems to focus primarily on their students when it comes to prizes but forget that offering parent fundraiser incentives can also make a difference. This is especially true with younger preschool and elementary students. Preschoolers are too young to understand how prize incentives work; thus, these groups primarily depend on parent involvement.

Parents of younger groups are the decision-makers when determining whether or not to sell, so why not target your promotional efforts toward them?

As excited as your students become at your kickoff, they may encounter a major roadblock when they get home unless you find ways to get your parents interested. Some parents become involved to help the school, while others respond because their children ask them to. Here are two parent fundraiser incentives to help improve sales your parents can get excited about.

1. Promote a Parent Night Out

Most parents of young children would love the opportunity to have a night out alone. This can also be cost-effective because you can use the school cafeteria or gym to have fun games and activities for the kids.

You can offer free childcare for everyone who reaches or exceeds their school fundraising goal. You can charge a small fee for those who fall short or choose not to participate. This way, you can offer your parent night out to everyone.

2. Offer a Top Seller VIP Service Package

For the parent whose student sells the most, you can offer a top seller VIP service package, which stands for 'very important parent'. You can recruit volunteers who can offer to perform certain chores around their house for a day. For example, you can mow their yard and do basic landscaping, cleaning, or painting. For example, You can expand this to include the top 5 sellers.

Alternatively, give them the option of offering it to another family member or someone they feel might benefit, like an elderly neighbor or friend in need.

Both parent fundraiser incentives should encourage more selling and demonstrate that you're reaching out to your parents in unique and special ways.

See our brochure fundraisers.

Author Bio

Clay Boggess has been designing fundraising programs for schools and various nonprofit organizations throughout the US since 1999. He’s helped administrators, teachers, and outside support entities such as PTAs and PTOs raise millions of dollars. Clay is an owner and partner at Big Fundraising Ideas.