Useful lollipop sales tips that work.
Young and older adults love lollipops, so we know they'll sell. But how can you find ways to make even more money and maximize your lollipop fundraiser experience?
Like anything else, it's important to inform people that you're having a fundraiser. Promote your sale ahead of time by creating posters that announce when your program's going to start.
Also, it will be helpful to let people know what types of lollipops you'll be selling and where they'll be able to buy them. Creating anticipation and high demand for your product upfront can help. Here are some additional things that you'll want to consider as well.
2 Ways to Sell Lollipops
You can issue bags to individual students to sell to family and friends or set up a concession stand. Ensure your students help make posters that can be used at your booth. On the other hand, if you're asking your students to sell them, use a tracking sheet. This way, you'll know who has outstanding money that needs to be turned in.

Lollipop Fundraiser Themes
Lollipops come in various shapes, colors, flavors, and themes. If possible, you can increase sales by scheduling your lollipop sale around a specific cause or celebration. Most people take advantage of Valentine's Day, but there are many other special occasions. Regardless, it helps to establish a purpose for your sale that you can rally support around.
Lollipop Ordering & Selling Tips
Since the case must order most lollipops, you must know how much to purchase. Cases are further broken down into inner bags. Most students can sell at least one bag because the quantities are reasonable. Most bags will contain about 40 lollipops. It's hard to over-order lollipops because they usually sell well; however, we recommend being somewhat conservative with your first order because you can always reorder. Many school fundraising companies offer free shipping regardless of the number of orders you make.
Make your lollipop sale even more fun by having a contest to see who can sell off their bag of lollipops first. The first student to bring back their empty bag gets a reward. This will help you deplete your inventory quickly. You can take it further by offering an incentive for the student who sells the most bags. Ensure that students are not a second bag until they bring back the money owed for the first bag.
For an additional resource on planning ideas for your next campaign, download our free fundraising tips eBook from our school fundraising tips page.
Author Bio
Clay Boggess has been designing fundraising programs for schools and various nonprofit organizations throughout the US since 1999. He’s helped administrators, teachers, and outside support entities such as PTAs and PTOs raise millions of dollars. Clay is an owner and partner at Big Fundraising Ideas.