Why more high schools are choosing green fundraisers.
Wouldn't it be great if schools could have and eat their cake too? Just think if all fundraiser products that were good for the environment also made groups lots of money. One could easily conclude that these two goals wouldn't have to be mutually exclusive.
After all, how can we not be motivated to support groups attempting to sell products that are good for us from a nutritional standpoint and the environment? Further, shouldn't we be obligated to buy these items because they offer these benefits?
This makes even more sense because more and more groups are looking for creative high school fundraising ideas in a crowded marketplace. There are so many me-too products out there; let's face it, competition is fierce. Groups try to stand out from the masses to offer unique and viable options. This makes them more appealing to buyers.
On the other hand, there's a reason why are so many groups are selling the me-too products. Is it because buyers respond to them? Absolutely. Yet, familiarity often breeds complacency. People don't like change unless they have a compelling reason to look elsewhere. And as long as they feel something is working, they will probably stay put.
Fundraisers claiming to be environmentally friendly are a bonus; however, that doesn't mean this added benefit translates into more sales. Historically we've observed that they've failed to yield the results of more traditional fundraisers such as candy bars or popcorn fundraisers.
Yet, many groups are attempting to create a niche for themselves by promoting the importance of environmental awareness and health consciousness. So why not attempt to raise awareness and money at the same time? Many groups are thus stepping outside the box and offering these programs.
Still, others are being forced by school districts, district self-regulation, or even pressure from the public to offer alternatives to popular selling items like candy and plastic mugs. Some areas even place different rules on food fundraisers based on the product's nutritional value.
These schools can promote their sale to their students if the product has proven nutritional value. This is the result of pressure being placed on the school district. Therefore, many schools are forced to either comply and sell only nutritious food products or something else.
Carving Out a Product Niche
High school groups appear to welcome green fundraisers more than other groups. We've found that these groups are likelier to choose a brochure focusing on one theme instead of a potpourri of items. This is in contrast to elementary schools, which tend to favor a large variety of shoppers with lots of wrapping paper, novelty gifts, and candy.
In addition, these groups tend to favor high school fundraising ideas that are trendier and unique and perhaps even easier to sell. Students in this age group can offer something distinctive that doesn't compete against other groups.
Selling flower bulbs is an environmentally friendly green program that has caught on with smaller groups and is thus embraced by some communities. Having curb appeal is a big hot button with property owners, and nothing provides that quite like colorful flowers and plants. This is one of the things that makes this type of fundraiser extremely practical.
Buyer Tendencies by Age
When deciding on a fundraiser, it's also essential to consider the population breakdown by age for your community. So which age group is more likely to buy environmentally conscious products? According to Katie Young's article published in GlobalWebIndex, millennials are leading the way.
61% of this age group said they'd pay more for eco-friendly or sustainable products. This compares to 55% of Gen Xers and only 46% of baby boomers. However, once the disposable income of Generation Z (16-21 age group) starts to flourish, they may even surpass the millennials.
Other High School Fundraising Ideas
Still, other smaller groups like sports teams and cheerleader squads have also embraced more non-food alternatives, like flowers.
It appears that the smaller high school groups are moving towards green fundraisers faster than other groups are. Perhaps it's because many of these Gen Zers are making fundraising decisions. Still, younger students, like principals and PTA moms, rely on older adults to choose what products to sell. However, it remains to be seen if they chose these programs out of choice or necessity.
But when it comes to high school fundraising, what's most important is appropriately targeting your audience. You must have receptive buyers if you hope to make money. The tide appears to be shifting, however.
Author Bio
Clay Boggess has been designing fundraising programs for schools and various nonprofit organizations throughout the US since 1999. He’s helped administrators, teachers, and outside support entities such as PTAs and PTOs raise millions of dollars. Clay is an owner and partner at Big Fundraising Ideas.