Fundraising Events for Schools

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Are you tired of the same cheap and junky prizes offered by most brochure fundraising companies? There’s a reason why so many schools can only get a small percentage of their students to participate in fundraisers. Older students don’t sell because they already know how these boring prize programs work.

And what about the younger students? They quickly realize that a lot of selling is required to get the better prizes. In the end, the vast majority of students who sell end up winning ‘dollar store prizes’.

Big Event Fundraising offer a unique solution to this problem. Schools that are switching to our big event prize programs clearly understand the difference. Their students only need to sell a few items to win the big prize, gain admission to a thrilling big event at their school with all of their friends.

Once everyone realizes that it’s easy to get into an exciting event, more students will sell. And when participation goes up, so do sales. Learn more