Why a frozen food sale may be suitable for your group.
Our fast-paced way of life seems to demand the conveniences that frozen food offers. According to livinghistoryfarm.org, it wasn't until the 1950s that food technology was finally automated successfully. This changed the way food was consumed and how farmers worked the fields. Frozen food, as we now know it was here to stay.
However, it took until the beginning of the 21st century for school fundraising companies to perfect the pre-packing process of frozen food into individual seller boxes. This is what helped spark the upward popularity trend of frozen food fundraisers. Before we could sort and prepack frozen food economically, it was too impractical for groups to handle it themselves. They didn't have enough time to sort and distribute frozen products before thawing.
Selling frozen food has unique advantages and some challenges, but with proper planning, it can be an effective money-maker for many groups. Here are two advantages:
1. Frozen Food is Highly Consumable
There's a reason you can only have so many sports mug sales in a given area. Wrapping paper occasionally becomes overstocked in people's closets. Discount cards can only be sold once a year to wait for current cards to expire. However, food is always in demand because we're constantly consuming it.
2. Fewer Groups Offering Frozen Food Fundraisers
Frozen food's delivery challenges are enough to keep some groups away. But this is good for other groups who learn how to properly manage their deliveries because they can offer a product in demand.
As we refine our processes, frozen food will continue to grow in popularity as more schools select them to raise money.
See our frozen food fundraisers.
Author Bio
Clay Boggess has been designing fundraising programs for schools and various nonprofit organizations throughout the US since 1999. He’s helped administrators, teachers, and outside support entities such as PTAs and PTOs raise millions of dollars. Clay is an owner and partner at Big Fundraising Ideas.