How School Fundraising Companies Are Missing the Mark

Submitted by Clay Boggess on

Is your school fundraising partner on target?

With budget cuts in school districts across America, many schools are left without art and music programs or essential equipment such as computers. To fill the gaps, principals often rely on parent associations to organize school fundraising efforts. A 2018 report by Nonprofits Source indicated that “67% of principals turn fundraising decisions over to their PTO or PTA.”

Traditionally, when we think of fundraisers run by parents, we think of the bake sale. Sure, they’re a low-effort way to raise a few hundred dollars, but they may not earn enough to fill the budget gaps. There are plenty of options out there to raise money. And along with them, plenty of resources to determine which sort of fundraiser is right for your school.

Fundraising companies. The #1 choice.

However, today, we will look at partnering with fundraising companies and taking advantage of product sales. They can significantly boost your efforts, offering a decent payoff in a short period. In an article published by PTO Today, school groups working with fundraising companies typically raise $1.5 billion yearly in product sales. That’s $13k per school in the country. It’s no wonder they're the #1 choice for schools.

A quick Google search reveals many fundraising companies schools can partner with. They all seem to offer the same products (you know, the ones: popcorn, candy bars, cookie dough, candles, wrapping paper…). And they all seem to have the same incentives to help motivate students to sell. The similarities end with their level of transparency, quality of prize incentives, and amount of support. These are the areas where they’re not on target for you.

So how are fundraising companies missing the mark?


Make sure the fundraising company you choose is clear about pricing. They should be upfront when you ask whether you need to invest in products before the fundraiser or can order items once they collect customer payments.

Also, ask about incentive prizes. While most offered by fundraising companies are free, it’s always good to ask. There should be zero surprises or hidden costs associated with your invoice.

Prize incentives

Speaking of prize incentives, companies only offering one-dimensional incentive programs are missing the mark. Groups from preschools to colleges have different needs, and what motivates them to go out and sell will differ, too. If your fundraising company doesn’t offer a fundraiser prize program that ranges from traditional incentives to events, they’re missing the mark.


Many companies often miss the mark in the level of support they provide. They should be able to offer you a risk-free fundraiser. Problems always arise, and your partner should have enough experience solving them. More than that, they should be responsive to your needs. A company that cannot provide attentive service and helps you navigate issues is not worth the investment.

Author Bio

Clay Boggess has been designing fundraising programs for schools and various nonprofit organizations throughout the US since 1999. He’s helped administrators, teachers, and outside support entities such as PTAs and PTOs raise millions of dollars. Clay is an owner and partner at Big Fundraising Ideas.