Get out of the cold and sell the idea of freshly baked cookies.
Today, it’s two degrees outside. Are you bundled up in a sweater and fuzzy slippers and want to stay inside and be warm? Don’t fresh and hot cookies from your oven sound amazing right now? This is a beautiful time of the year to get your community to support your gourmet cookie dough fundraiser! Just get out there and sell it.
But wait! What more do you need to know? Just a few simple things:
1. Sell the smell.
Encourage your group to create a picture with their sense of smell. Bring back memories of childhood where you can remember those days of sledding and coming home to hot chocolate and freshly baked cookies. Memories are potent motivators that do something to bring joy into our lives. And our sense of smell is our best memory refresher. This can be a powerful motivator for both the seller and the buyer.
2. Promote ease.
How much easier can it be to relive these memories than pull a tub of cookie dough out of the refrigerator, scoop it onto a pan, place it into the oven, and enjoy those delicious chocolate chip cookies in 20 minutes? Why can’t the ideal be your cookie dough fundraiser tubs that you used to sell when you were young? You can make that happen. You can be the hero in this scene!
Of course, today, we have more options that make it even easier, like preportioned Otis Spunkmeyer cookie dough that doesn’t require thawing or scooping.
3. Find the right cookie.
Now that you are drooling, let’s find the suitable materials to make it happen. A cookie dough fundraiser is easy, but we make it the easiest! Check out our cookie dough fundraiser for schools, and you’ll be helping others live their favorite memory of wintry weather days in no time.
4. Sell your sellers.
The odds are good that you were motivated to use cookie dough for fundraiser revenue because of the “smell picture” painted above. You can do the same with your sellers! Paint that picture with them and encourage them to “share” that joy with those they sell to.
People buy from people more than they buy products. This is still true even in the digital age. If your sellers are into the product, the odds are much better that others will buy. Here’s an idea. Why not have a taste-testing party to kick off your fundraising event?

5. Plan accordingly.
Plan accordingly by hosting your cookie dough fundraiser in the winter to trigger those warm fuzzy childhood memories. Also, can you tie it into something to elevate your brand? Are winter sports a thing you want to highlight and get more people to support?
Use your cookie dough fundraiser to do just that. Can you bake and sell cookies that you purchase from your fundraiser at future events? This can only help people remember who to buy cookie dough from next time. Plan out places and times that people will WANT to buy your cookie dough! Our cookie dough fundraiser success tips are good to read, too.
The goal is to have people thanking your school and all it does whenever they bite a fresh, warm cookie. Enjoy the cold season, and start your Otis Spunkmeyer cookie dough fundraiser today!
Author Bio
Clay Boggess has been designing fundraising programs for schools and various nonprofit organizations throughout the US since 1999. He’s helped administrators, teachers, and outside support entities such as PTAs and PTOs raise millions of dollars. Clay is an owner and partner at Big Fundraising Ideas.