Should you depend more on the product or the prizes?
Because our party and show incentives are referred to as our big event fundraisers, we occasionally receive a call from a school sponsor that wants to bring in one of our big events and use it as a tangible way to raise money. They mistakenly think they can charge admission to the event as their revenue source.
Although this initially appears to be a good idea, our goal is for schools to raise far more money than they could ever make by charging admission to an event. In other words, selling from a brochure is the fundraiser, while our big events are prize programs.
Choosing the Brochure Comes First
Our primary goal is to help schools find the right brochure to sell to neighbors, family, and friends. Finding the best possible brochure to motivate more people to buy should be most important to a school.
Selecting a Prize Program is Secondary
Next, the school must decide how to motivate its students to sell their selected brochure. Our big events are prize programs designed to get students to sell more items and thus make additional money for the school. It's these programs that make us unique compared to other fundraising companies. Instead of students winning cheap, junky prizes for selling, they get to attend an exciting event at their school. In addition, students who reach higher prize levels can still win more prizes. We have incorporated privileges into our events, such as becoming an assistant magician or reptile trainer. Students get to participate in the show.

The Sales Speak for Themselves
As a result of our big event fundraising prize programs, schools have been experiencing much higher than expected sales results. It's common for a school brochure fundraiser to exceed $20,000 with a big event incentive. We believe the reason for this is the increase in student participation. If you offer students an exciting and achievable prize program, more will want to get involved.
Author Bio
Clay Boggess has been designing fundraising programs for schools and various nonprofit organizations throughout the US since 1999. He’s helped administrators, teachers, and outside support entities such as PTAs and PTOs raise millions of dollars. Clay is an owner and partner at Big Fundraising Ideas.