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Why Not Use Cattle Calls to Pick a Fundraiser?

By Clay Boggess on Jul 14, 2011
Why Not Use Cattle Calls to Pick a Fundraiser?

The drawbacks to lining up companies outside your door.

Elementary schools want to pick a fundraiser to make them the most money with the least hassle. Many sponsors will gather brochures over time and contact the companies they want to meet with one-on-one.

Another technique schools use referred to as 'cattle calls'. This is where schools contact the fundraising companies they're interested in and invite them to present their programs. Each company typically has about 5-10 minutes. The school picks the day and offers various time slots. The idea is to decide on the best company, but here are three reasons why using cattle calls may not be in your best interest:

1. Fundraiser Questions Go Unanswered

Schools that incorporate the 'cattle call' don't have the opportunity to ask many questions that can only be ferreted out during more detailed meetings. This may leave some things to chance because, inevitably, some critical questions go unanswered. While the presentation given by the company can be informative, it's the extended question-and-answer time afterward that is usually more productive.

2. Companies Only Have Time to Embellish

Instead of your meeting being informative and helpful, it often becomes more of a show. Company representatives know that they only have so much time; therefore, they will attempt to play their best hand. Unlike a more thorough meeting between the school and the company, the 'cattle call' format usually only provides enough time for a sales pitch.

3. Not Knowing Company Limitations

Schools that have done their homework know what they want and don't want from a company. They've thought through what they want to accomplish and thus have examined what questions they need to ask. It's of little help to find out afterward that a company cannot provide a feature or service you hoped to get. This can only lead to disappointment and frustration. Detailed meetings provide needed time to bring everything to the table, not just the company's strengths.

It may be more work up front, but planning more detailed and informative meetings with a prospective fundraiser company may save significant time on the back end.

What experiences have you had with cattle calls?

See our brochure fundraisers.

Author Bio Clay Boggess, Author

Clay Boggess has been designing fundraising programs for schools and various nonprofit organizations throughout the US since 1999. He’s helped administrators, teachers, and outside support entities such as PTAs and PTOs raise millions of dollars. Clay is an owner and partner at Big Fundraising Ideas.

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