5 Top 2021 School Fundraising Blogs that are Relevant in 2022

Submitted by Clay Boggess on

A look back on our top 2021 blogs.

New to school fundraisers? Need a fundraising refresher after the winter break? Looking for inspiration for the new year? We’ve got you covered!

Look back on Big Fundraising Ideas’ best blogs from 2021 to kick off the new year. Last year, we dove into event planning, goal setting, skill development, tricks for success, and more. Our readers loved the fresh take on modern school fundraiser ideas, navigating fundraising while social distancing and maximizing tech tools.

You don’t need to start your 2022 plans from scratch – BFI provides countless resources and blogs on the latest fundraising trends.

To get started, check out our top five blog posts from 2021 that will take your fundraiser from basic to extraordinary.

1. How to Plan a School Fundraiser Event: 4 Steps for Success

“How to Plan a School Fundraiser Event” is one of our favorite 2021 blogs because it provides a great place to start for any school group or community fundraising event. Set yourself up for success by referring to this blog before entering the spring fundraising season.

Start planning your 2022 school fundraiser events now. Effective fundraising requires more than early planning. These four steps clearly outline the roadmap for any fundraiser: (1) pick a specific fundraising idea, (2) set achievable goals, (3) hold a kickoff meeting, and (4) advertise.

2. Why School Fundraisers Fail – Because They Don’t Set Goals

Do you want to make this year’s fundraiser better than last year’s? If so, we have the resources, tips, and tricks to enhance fundraising programs. The best place to start is by setting strategic goals.

SMART goals have been used by corporations, schools, and nonprofits alike and can provide a method for creating a clear vision and direction for fundraising events. SMART is an acronym for Specific, Measurable, Attainable, Realistic, and Time-based, and setting goals using this concept for fundraising will help your school to ensure the fundraiser has success ahead.

3. Virtual Fundraising Ideas for Schools are Here to Stay

Over the past two years, online fundraisers have allowed schools nationwide to continue raising money despite canceling many in-person events. Big Fundraising Ideas provide numerous ways for schools and groups to raise money online and take chasing paperwork and inventory out of the mix.

4. Why School-Age Fundraising Develops Life Skills

School fundraisers provide students to build character and develop life skills. Tasked with an overarching goal, each student can practice being a team member and develop confidence in themselves. Students learn to communicate their needs, develop a business sense, set goals, and accomplish goals for the greater good.

5. Beyond Fundraising for School Supplies and Student Programs

School fundraisers traditionally raise funds to meet critical needs in a school, from new uniforms for the football team to field trips or new art supplies, but they shouldn’t stop there. Newspapers across the country have written countless articles about communities and students coming together to raise money for those around them in need.


These blogs are just a few of our ideas to help make your future fundraising events successful. Keep an eye out for a new blog each week.

Author Bio

Clay Boggess has been designing fundraising programs for schools and various nonprofit organizations throughout the US since 1999. He’s helped administrators, teachers, and outside support entities such as PTAs and PTOs raise millions of dollars. Clay is an owner and partner at Big Fundraising Ideas.