You will not be charged upfront for any supplies, and they are free if your average sale per enrolled participant is $8 or less. In that case, you will incur a $0.75 charge per enrolled participant if running a fall sale and $0.40 for a spring fundraiser.
For example, if you run a fall sale with 100 participants and your total sales are $800, then an additional fee of $75 will be added to your invoice (100 participants x $0.75 = $75).
Note: Both brochure and online sales count towards the free shipping minimum requirement
Non-Frozen Food Fundraisers:
There is no shipping charge for the first in-person brochure order delivered to your group. Only orders received in time to be added to the first order will count toward the minimum order requirements. The group will also be responsible for any late order shipping fees.
Frozen Food Fundraisers:
If your group sells fewer than 350 items, a $1.00 per item below 350 fee is incurred when selling cookie dough or frozen food.