The fundraising questions you should be asking.
Every school sponsor who is looking for fundraising ideas has preconceived notions of what they think will make their sale successful. Everyone’s quest is unique. Some may have heard about the fantastic results that another group tried in their area after selling a particular product.
As a result, they want to determine if it might be a good fit for their school. Still, others may be at a point where their sales have grown stagnant and want something new.
Schools usually fit into one of two categories. They’re either content with what they have and don’t want to change to keep things as simple and easy as possible, or they want to change because they aren’t satisfied.
Some who sponsor school fundraisers prefer to get the selection process over with before school lets out for summer. This way, it’s done, and they don’t have to worry about it once the busyness of fall hits—one less thing to have to plan.
More familiar with schools that rely on ancillary groups like PTAs and PTOs, are to decide once they’ve gathered adequate information during summer conferences. These groups usually choose in the late summer but before school starts.
Still, the majority won’t decide until they’re forced to consider it. These sponsors wait until after school starts to decide on a fundraiser. Regardless, we expect many inquiries from people who call in at the beginning of the school year.
If you’re in the latter two categories, you may ask what type of sale will give you the best results. There are many questions that schools should be asking but don’t. Some hidden gems can make a real difference that many groups don’t even consider.
One good way to know if you’re asking the right questions is to jump on relevant online fundraising forums to see what others are asking. One that we recommend is PTO Today. Type your question into the search bar.
According to our experience, though, there are two that sponsors typically ask the most:
1. What’s Your Top Selling Brochure?
We’ll get right to the point on this one. The brochure that will sell the most is the one that you believe in the most. When asked which brochure is our biggest seller, we tell people. It won’t matter what we say, even if we tell you which brochure historically has the highest overall sales. Every group is different and has unique circumstances.
Some catalog fundraisers work well in some areas but don’t in others. And there are a variety of reasons for that. But if you’re excited about your choice, you have a greater chance of succeeding. Why? Because you’ll be more inclined to promote it. The enthusiasm starts with you and will permeate through to your students, parents, and beyond.
Still, another question is, “How do others feel about it?” Have you done your homework by conducting a product survey with your parents and school staff? You may be surprised by what you find out. You should feel confident that you’ve found a brochure that most people will embrace.
3 Ways to Find the Perfect School Fundraising Brochure
2. How Much is Our Fundraiser Profit?
This is probably the most overrated question in fundraising. When we get asked this question, the first thing that comes to mind is a sponsor that wants ‘something for nothing’. Yet on the surface, this appears like a legitimate question. Why shouldn’t you be fighting for every piece of the pie? This seems logical enough.
However, this question implies that you’re more focused on making an additional profit off the sales you’re already bringing in rather than finding innovative ways to make more sales.
Would you instead make 50% of $5,000 or 40% of $10,000? You do the math.
Sponsors feel that negotiating a higher profit percentage will be their best way to success. We’ve found that sponsors relying on percent profit tend to be more complacent. We’ve found these schools less attentive to the more important things, like selecting a better incentive plan and incorporating a solid promotional strategy.
Plus, fundraising companies are innovative. Schools that end up getting a higher profit percentage are most likely giving something else up that they may not even realize. For example, they may have to settle for the standard prize program instead of one designed to increase student participation.
Higher Fundraiser Profit Percent or Better Prizes?
Remember, no one takes profit percent to the bank; they take money. It’s always more important to focus on improving gross sales than on what percent profit you can get.
What will make your school fundraiser successful when all is said and done?
Author Bio
Clay Boggess has been designing fundraising programs for schools and various nonprofit organizations throughout the US since 1999. He’s helped administrators, teachers, and outside support entities such as PTAs and PTOs raise millions of dollars. Clay is an owner and partner at Big Fundraising Ideas.