How to form a booster club the right way.
Many organizations thrive because they're supported by a strong booster club that works tirelessly behind the scenes. Without them, the group's ability to function would be significantly compromised due to already limited budgets.
Because of time constraints experienced by many organizational heads like coaches and band directors, booster clubs can step in to plan and run fundraising events.
The more effective the booster club, the more valuable it can become to the organization. If you're looking at forming a booster club, here are some key things you'll want to consider.
Recruit Like-minded Volunteers
Recruiting board members with like-minded goals and objectives is essential for any group to function correctly. Members should have the group's best interest in mind and be able to put others before themselves. Everyone must be able to work together towards achieving common goals. Differences should be set aside, and anyone with ulterior motives can prove detrimental.
Establish Board Member Roles
Once your members are in place, you must decide who will do what. Specific board member titles and job descriptions must be established and assigned. Assigning roles should be based on ability and interest.
Establish the Booster Club's Purpose
What specific things do you want to accomplish? Have you met with the organization head to discuss what their needs are? How much money is it going to take to achieve your objectives? The next step is to decide how you plan to raise the money.
Sell the Mission to Your Parents
Unless you get the word out about your role, people won't see the value in what you're trying to accomplish. You'll want to share your purpose and goals with everyone associated with the group, including the end beneficiaries, the students. In other words, why is raising money for a new trailer important, and how do you plan to raise the money?
See our booster club fundraising ideas.
Author Bio
Clay Boggess has been designing fundraising programs for schools and various nonprofit organizations throughout the US since 1999. He’s helped administrators, teachers, and outside support entities such as PTAs and PTOs raise millions of dollars. Clay is an owner and partner at Big Fundraising Ideas.