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How to Recruit Reliable Fundraising Volunteers

By Clay Boggess on Jun 13, 2014
How to Recruit Reliable Fundraising Volunteers

Proven ways to find the right help for your campaigns.

Assembling your team of fundraising volunteers is a vital part of the process if you want your sale to be successful. It's much harder to achieve your objectives if the wrong people are helping you or if you are doing everything yourself. So you must recruit individuals who'll help you in the right areas.

With many outside organizations, members are elected; however, ensuring that the best people perform the most appropriate duties will help ensure things go smoothly. Effective communication is also crucial. Recruiting people is difficult due to busy schedules; however, it can be done. Here are some ideas that can help in the volunteer recruiting process:

Identify your Fundraising Needs

You must identify what specific tasks you'll need to have performed and then look for those qualities in the people you meet. For example, promoting your sale will be necessary, so you may want to consider someone more outgoing for that job. You'll probably want someone meticulous and organized to be your secretary. The key is not to be afraid to delegate and encourage others to do the same but keep abreast of everything happening. Make a detailed list of specific fundraising tasks, then design job descriptions to fulfill those needs.

Don't Wait for a Fundraiser

Influential leaders understand that they're always in the business of recruiting. Opportunities always seem to present themselves when you least expect them. You never know who you will meet at school-related activities throughout the year. Then once you need them, you have a base to draw from.

Use Various Recruiting Methods

Don't think running into potential school volunteers is the only way to recruit volunteers. Your first resource should be to ask people you know to help, but why not draw people in by inviting them to a short 'coffee and donuts' meeting, for example? Ask the school if you can schedule a time to use an available room. Then, advertise it by posting announcement flyers.

Make your Volunteers Want to Help Again

This may seem obvious, but a simple 'thank you' is probably more important than anything once all is said and done. It shouldn't be necessary to bribe people to get them to volunteer. Expressing gratitude is usually more effective. Some sponsors issue thank you cards and even go so far as to throw a volunteer appreciation luncheon. You might be surprised at your team's appreciation for the acknowledgment. They might be more willing to help with any future projects. Plus, the word may spread about how you run your program.

See our brochure fundraisers.

Author Bio Clay Boggess, Author

Clay Boggess has been designing fundraising programs for schools and various nonprofit organizations throughout the US since 1999. He’s helped administrators, teachers, and outside support entities such as PTAs and PTOs raise millions of dollars. Clay is an owner and partner at Big Fundraising Ideas.

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