Keep your feed fresh with insights from fundraising experts.
Fundraising ideas are constantly evolving, often to accommodate technological and social advances. Money-raising gurus are making themselves more accessible than ever through story-telling platforms like Twitter, Instagram, and Snapchat, sharing ideas that could take your school fundraiser to the next level.
We enjoy sharing brilliant ideas from leading fundraisers on topics ranging from online fundraising to making donors into advocates. For more digestible tips, we've curated a handful of fundraising experts who share their wisdom in 140 characters or less with their followers. As you plan, carry out, and evaluate your next school fundraiser, add these individuals and organizations to your Twitter feed for constant inspiration and free expert opinions.
If you like this list, check out some fundraising influencers whose books, talks, and social media platforms are top sources for quality fundraising content.
Talk about getting a prime Twitter handle! Gareth Edwards of Company Solutions & the Practical Fundraising Association shares nuggets of fundraising excellence from across the pond on a very active Twitter feed. From thought-provoking questions like "What ideas are your competitors using?" to industry-focused fundraising news, Edwards offers an endless stream of ideas to more than 35,000 followers. He's even got a "Fundraising Daily" newsletter with articles for your inspiration. Edwards's general advice works with any fundraiser, from individuals to grassroots groups to larger nonprofits.
Fundraising experts are great sources of information. But as they say, it takes one to know one, and in addition to sharing tons of her great content, top-rated fundraiser Gail Perry also shares great tips from other fundraising leaders with you. With frequent updates that include videos, webinars, and articles, Perry offers organizations a robust fundraising education accessible right through their Twitter feeds. Join her 18,000 followers and glean insights on donor appeals, metrics, and cultivation. Perry is an excellent choice for those in traditional fundraising and development roles who rely on annual giving to meet their bottom line.
Looking for diverse, compelling, and current fundraising content? Our friends at 101Fundraising have the hottest crowd blog in fundraising, with hundreds of career fundraisers contributing to a treasure trove of information and ideas. Featuring some of the top fundraising influencers, and even some of our great ideas, 101Fundraising invites thought leaders to contribute to their blog, which they share posts from regularly on Twitter.
Explore their site, or add it to your newsfeed to see what they've selected as fundraising news or ideas worth hearing about. They don't post very frequently, but you can count on a couple of great posts each month, like "If you give donors a great experience, they will give more and give for longer" and "'Know me and show me you know me."
The Chronicle of Philanthropy is a revered publication in the nonprofit sector. If you don't yet follow its editor-in-chief or the publication's feed, it's a must-have on your fundraising list. From original research on topics like "Fundraising and the American Family" to quality journalism on philanthropy news and topics that fundraisers across the board care about, the Chronicle will keep you informed of national and global trends in giving.
Author Bio
Clay Boggess has been designing fundraising programs for schools and various nonprofit organizations throughout the US since 1999. He’s helped administrators, teachers, and outside support entities such as PTAs and PTOs raise millions of dollars. Clay is an owner and partner at Big Fundraising Ideas.