How to Submit Your Order Forms Faster Online

Submitted by Clay Boggess on

How to Use Google Drive instead of snail mail.

Sending your order forms online is more secure; it helps prevent your order from getting lost in the mail, and we receive it much quicker. Best of all, it's free!

You can use various sources to submit your order electronically, including Dropbox, Google Drive, or your internal system. Use a method you're already familiar with or set one up. It's easy!

(If you don't already have an account, setting one up is free. Learn how to set up your free Google Drive account)

Note: However, how we receive your order from you will be boxed, labeled, and sorted at your delivery. So if you're a larger group, using a folder system is an example; if you're an elementary school, you may want to organize your order forms into folders by Grade and then by the teacher.

We'll use the following terminology to define folder types for the steps below:

Folder TypeDefinition
Main FolderSchool or Group Name
Sub FolderGrade Level
Inside FolderTeacher, Classroom, or Team

But before you create your digital folders, you'll want to organize your paper order forms and count the money first.

Here are step-by-step instructions on how to submit your order using Google Drive:

1. Create Your Folders

  1. Go to
  2. First, create your main folder (School or Group Name). Click '+ New' in the top left sidebar, then 'Folder':

3. Enter a name for your main (School or Group) folder, then create:

4. Double-click on your school or group name:

5. Now it's time to create your subfolders (Grade Levels or Sub-Group names). Click on the 'New' button, then select 'Folder':

Name your 1st subfolder (Grade Level or Sub-Group name), then click Create:

7. create your inside folders (Teachers, Classroom, or Team Names). Double-click on the subfolder you just created (1st Grade) and select 'New,' then 'Folder':

8. Name the folder, then click 'Create':

9. Create your 2nd inside folder inside your 1st subfolder. Double-click on the subfolder, select 'New,' then 'Folder':

10. Name your 2nd inside folder, then click 'Create':

11. You should now have two inside folders (Teachers or Classrooms) inside of your 1st subfolder (1st Grade):

12.To create a 2nd subfolder, go back to your main folder (Smith Elementary) and repeat the process:

2. Upload Your Order Forms

The next step is to get your paper order forms to your computer and then to Google Drive.

1. Scan and save your order forms by class to your computer. Each file represents an entire classroom of order forms. (We suggest organizing them into folders and subfolders on your computer as well before uploading them to Google Drive):

2. Log in and locate your main folder on Google Drive:

3. Double-click and drill down until you reach your first classroom folder. Then drag and drop each file that you saved on your computer into the respective Google Drive folder:

3. Send Us Your Order

The last step is to send us your main folder, now saved on Google Drive, so that we can process your order.

  1. Log into
  2. There are three ways that you access the share dialog box. You can either click the folder you want to share, then 'Manage Access' from the right sidebar, click on the share icon located in the top navigation, or right-click on your main folder and select 'Share':

3. In the "Add people and groups" field, enter the supplier email address in your 'Wrap Up Notice' email.

4. Click 'Done,' and your order will be sent:

Author Bio

Clay Boggess has been designing fundraising programs for schools and various nonprofit organizations throughout the US since 1999. He’s helped administrators, teachers, and outside support entities such as PTAs and PTOs raise millions of dollars. Clay is an owner and partner at Big Fundraising Ideas.