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How Our Flower Fundraiser Works

How Our Flower Fundraiser Works

Groups use our brochures to sell popular consumer-based items and keep a percentage of the sales. All startup supplies are shipped to the group at no upfront cost. Here's how our brochure fundraiser works:

  1. Each participant receives a brochure, order form, and money collection envelope.
  2. Participants ask neighbors, family, and friends to purchase items from their brochures.
  3. Orders are placed, and money is collected.
  4. Participants turn in their order forms and money envelopes.
  5. Money is deposited in your account, and the order is submitted to us for processing.
  6. You receive a sales report.
  7. We'll email you an invoice for what's owed, and you keep the rest as profit.
  8. The order is packed and shipped to the group.
  9. Participants deliver the merchandise to their buyers.

Note: We waive the $50 administrative fee once your group sells 50 items—brochure and online items count towards the total. A $25 shipping fee applies for ship-to-group orders under $150.