Brochure Fundraiser
Groups use our brochures to sell popular consumer-based items and keep a percentage of the sales. All startup supplies are shipped to the group free of charge. Here's how our brochure fundraiser works:
- Each participant receives a brochure, order form, and money collection envelope.
- Participants ask neighbors, family, and friends to purchase items from their brochures.
- Participants gather orders, and money is collected.
- Participants turn in their order forms and money envelopes.
- You deposit any brochure money in your account, and submit your order forms to us for processing.*
- You receive a sales report.
- We'll email you an invoice for what you owe, and you keep the rest as profit.
- The order is packed and shipped to the group.
- Participants deliver the merchandise to their buyers.
*NOTE: We will invoice you for what you owe for brochure sales, and you will receive a profit payment or credit for any online sales.