A look at the evolution of the sales brochure.
As we reflect and celebrate the birth of our great nation, no one alive in 1776 could have anticipated how things could have evolved to this point. The same can probably be said about the school brochure fundraiser.
According to 'PTO Today', product sales are most likely the oldest form of person-to-person selling method schools use. It's why some companies have been around for over 40 years while others are relatively new. To survive, companies need to change with the times.
And those who don't adapt usually don't last. The fact remains that opportunities are there as the current demand for additional money has never been more significant due to ongoing district budget cuts. Here's more information about the history of brochure fundraisers.
Brochures Replaced Physical Fundraising Kits
Once upon a time, before the brochure, students were provided with kits that contained physical items for sale. This made the process both easy and hard. The actual items in students' hands meant they could be sold on the spot. As a result, students didn't need to return a second time and deliver the item as they did today. On the other hand, unlike with a brochure, students had a limited supply of products to sell. The kits were also a bit awkward and often difficult to carry.
Bulk Shipments Gave Way to Presorted Merchandise
It used to be that everything was delivered in bulk. School sponsors would then have the difficult task of sorting and distributing the merchandise. Everyone was okay with it because no one knew any better then. Today's technology allows us to sort orders by seller, teacher, and grade level. Detailed reports are also provided that allow sponsors to document and analyze their sales results.
New selling methods have also recently evolved, including advancements with online stores and scrip sales. But the fact remains that the school brochure fundraiser remains extremely popular. According to AFFRDS, over $1.7 billion a year is raised using brochures, which is not expected to change anytime soon.
Author Bio
Clay Boggess has been designing fundraising programs for schools and various nonprofit organizations throughout the US since 1999. He’s helped administrators, teachers, and outside support entities such as PTAs and PTOs raise millions of dollars. Clay is an owner and partner at Big Fundraising Ideas.