School Fundraisers That Make the Most Money

Submitted by Clay Boggess on

Effectively fundraise and impact the quality of education and student opportunities.

Fundraising is a vital lifeline for schools across the globe. It fuels diverse programs, from academic enhancements to extracurricular activities, ensuring a well-rounded education for students. In an era of budget cuts and growing needs, the ability of a school to effectively fundraise can directly impact the quality of education and opportunities offered to its students.

But not all fundraisers are created equal. The secret to a successful campaign is creativity coupled with high-profit ideas. A creative approach captures the community's imagination and opens the door to untapped resources and support. Schools can significantly increase their fundraising potential by avoiding the traditional bake sale box.

High-profit fundraising ideas are those that offer substantial returns for the effort invested. You can design them to maximize revenue while minimizing costs and time. These aren't just about making more money; they are about making smart money.

By focusing on high-profit ideas, schools can achieve their financial goals faster and with fewer resources, ensuring that most funds raised go directly to enhancing student experiences and education quality.

Schools must innovate and adapt to stand out in this competitive landscape. Whether it's leveraging technology for online fundraisers, partnering with local businesses, or tapping into the unique talents of the school community, the possibilities are endless.

By embracing creativity and focusing on high-profit ideas, schools can turn fundraising from a necessity into an opportunity to unite and invigorate their community, all while securing vital funds for education.

Understanding School Fundraisers

A school fundraiser is a fundraising campaign to support educational institutions' specific financial needs. These needs include funding new school equipment, enhancing learning programs, supporting student clubs, and organizing field trips. The success of these fundraisers directly impacts the quality of education and resources available to students, making them a critical aspect of school growth and student development.

Fundraisers come in various forms, each with its unique approach and potential for success. Let's dive into the most common types:

  • Product Sales: This traditional approach involves selling items like cookie dough, wrapping paper, or discount cards. Participants sell products to family, friends, and neighbors, and the proceeds go to the school. This type is known for its straightforward approach and tangible rewards.
  • Events: Schools may host events like carnivals, talent shows, or sports days where they charge admission or sell food and merchandise. These events not only raise funds but also foster community spirit and involvement.
  • Online Fundraising: Schools have turned to the internet to raise funds in the digital age, including crowdfunding for specific projects, online auctions of donated items, or selling products through a virtual store. Online fundraisers expand the reach to a broader audience beyond the local community.
  • Pledge Drives: Commonly used for 'a-thon' events (like walk-a-thons), participants gather pledges from sponsors for every unit they accomplish in an activity. For example, sponsors might pledge a dollar for every lap a student runs.
  • Direct Donations: Sometimes, schools might ask for direct contributions from the community. This straightforward method ensures that 100% of the donation goes directly to the school's needs.

Each type of fundraiser has strengths; you can tailor it to the school's community, resources, and goals. The key to a successful fundraiser is choosing the type that resonates with the community and effectively communicates the school's needs.

With a well-organized approach and enthusiastic participation, school fundraisers can significantly enhance the educational environment and provide students with invaluable resources and experiences.

Top Profitable School Fundraisers

A. Product Sales

Catalog Sales: Schools can raise significant funds by partnering with companies offering catalog sales products. Perennial favorites include cookie dough, frozen foods such as pies, pizzas, cheesecakes, and specialty items. These products are not only easy to sell but also offer a tangible reward to supporters. The key is to select high-quality and high-demand products that ensure repeat support.

Direct Sales: Items like beef jerky, candy bars, lollipops, popcorn, pretzel rods, Smencils, snack bars, tumblers, discount cards, and scratch cards offer immediate returns and are particularly effective for engaging students in the fundraising process. These products are popular due to their instant gratification factor and broad appeal. A strategic approach involves choosing products with a healthy markup and proven popularity.

Online Fundraising: Leveraging online platforms for selling goodies and gifts, flowers, candles, Jelly Belly candies, and more has grown increasingly popular. This method allows schools to reach a wider audience beyond the local community. It's efficient, as it reduces the need for physical handling of products and money and can continue to raise funds year-round.

B. Events

Themed a-thons: Whether it's a Walk-a-thon, Read-a-thon, or Spell-a-thon, you can adapt these events to online or socially distanced formats. The key is to engage participants in a fun, fitness, or skill-based activity where sponsors pledge an amount for every unit the participant completes. These are great for building community spirit and encouraging healthy competition.

Virtual Fairs or Carnivals: With online games, food delivery options, and live-streamed performances, virtual fairs or carnivals can replicate the excitement of traditional school fairs. They provide a platform for students and families to come together, enjoy various activities, and support the school from the comfort of their homes.

Talent Shows or Concerts: Showcasing student or local celebrity talent through online streaming is another excellent way to raise funds. Schools can provide an entertaining experience while raising money by charging a small fee for virtual tickets. These events can range from music and dance to magic shows or plays, capitalizing on the diverse talents within the school community.

C. Online Fundraising

Virtual Storefronts: Creating a virtual storefront allows schools to sell various products, from custom merchandise to gift items. This approach is convenient as you can maintain it year-round and allow supporters to browse and purchase items at their leisure.

Crowdfunding: Crowdfunding platforms are an excellent way to raise funds for specific school projects or needs. Schools can gather micro-donations from many people by setting up a compelling campaign and sharing it widely through social media and community networks. The success of these campaigns often hinges on a solid story and the emotional appeal of the cause.

Virtual Events: Hosting online webinars, workshops, or performances can engage the community and raise funds. Whether it's a paid virtual cooking class, a webinar on a topical subject, or a streamed theatrical performance, these events provide value and entertainment while boosting fundraising efforts.

Leveraging these fundraising strategies engages the community, creates value, and makes the experience enjoyable. Schools can ensure they meet or exceed their fundraising targets by carefully selecting and executing these high-profit fundraisers.

Tips for Maximizing Profits

Early and Thorough Planning: Begin by setting clear, achievable goals. Know what you want to fund and how much you need to raise. Create a detailed timeline and assign responsibilities to team members. Planning allows you to anticipate challenges and opportunities, making adjustments for maximum profitability.

Community Engagement: Your fundraiser's success hinges on your community's support. Engage students, parents, faculty, and local businesses early on. Personalize your approach to different groups and demonstrate the value of their contribution. Remember, engaged communities don't just donate; they advocate and spread the word.

Effective Marketing: Develop a compelling message and deliver it through multiple channels. Utilize posters, flyers, announcements, and local media. Remember not to underestimate the power of social media to reach a wider audience. Create shareable content and encourage the community to spread the word. A well-marketed fundraiser is more visible and more successful.

Using Online Tools: Online fundraising platforms can significantly boost your sales. They offer a convenient way for people to donate and share their cause. Use email campaigns, social media, and fundraising websites to reach potential donors beyond your local community. Track your progress online and motivate participants by showing real-time results.

Common Pitfalls and How to Avoid Them

Lack of Clear Goals: With specific objectives, it's easier to maintain direction. Avoid this by setting clear, measurable goals from the start. Know what you're working towards and ensure the whole team is on the same page.

Insufficient Volunteer Training: Your volunteers are the face of your fundraiser. Ensure they understand the products, the goals, and the importance of what they're doing. A well-informed and enthusiastic team is crucial for success.

Poor Communication: Communication breakdown can lead to disorganization and missed opportunities. Keep lines of communication open with your team, the school, and the community. Regular updates, meetings, and feedback sessions are essential.

Underestimating the Power of Social Media: Social media is a powerful tool that can extend your reach exponentially. Not using it effectively can limit your audience. Develop a social media strategy that engages audiences with regular updates, success stories, and calls to action.

By keeping these tips and strategies in mind, you can avoid common pitfalls and maximize the profits of your school fundraiser. With careful planning, community engagement, effective marketing, and the strategic use of online tools, your fundraiser will not only meet but exceed its financial goals.


As we wrap up this exploration into the most lucrative school fundraisers, remember the core elements that drive success: creativity, community engagement, and clear goals. Whether you choose product sales with popular items like cookie dough and discount cards, host engaging events like walk-a-thons, or leverage the power of online platforms for crowdfunding and virtual sales, the potential to significantly boost your school's funds is vast.

Embarking on a fundraiser is not just about the money; it's about uniting students, educators, parents, and the broader community towards a common goal. It's an opportunity to instill values of teamwork, leadership, and entrepreneurial spirit among students. So, take the leap, plan meticulously, and tailor your fundraiser to reflect the unique spirit of your school.

Author Bio

Clay Boggess has been designing fundraising programs for schools and various nonprofit organizations throughout the US since 1999. He's helped administrators, teachers, and outside support entities such as PTAs and PTOs raise millions of dollars. Clay is an owner and partner at Big Fundraising Ideas.