Motivated sellers or make more off each sale?
Traditional prize incentives have proven to work better for elementary schools than for high school groups. As a result, high school sponsors have been searching for better prize programs to motivate their students to sell and improve sales results.
Two examples of what older groups respond to are cash or sportswear prize programs. These prize incentives offer a refreshing change and are more suited to high school organizations like sports teams or cheerleaders.
So what will make your group the most money, a higher fundraising profit percentage or better seller rewards? Some sponsors feel that their students should already be motivated to sell without having to offer any incentives at all; however, many students won’t respond unless they are adequately incentivized. Since a higher profit percentage usually means a compromised incentive plan, it stands to reason that offering excellent motivators will make a difference in the outcome.
Our Cash Prize Program Philosophies
We offer two cash prize programs. Both programs offer cash awards above and beyond the profit earned for selling items from a brochure. Students who sell more can earn more as well. Cash Master offers more fundraising profit per item sold in exchange for a lower cash reward. Master Blaster provides less profit but higher cash incentives.
More Fundraising Profit or Better Participation?
The question is, “Would my group sell regardless of whether or not they were offered an incentive?” Some sponsors would say yes, while others would admit the need to further incentivize their students with more cash in exchange for accepting a slightly lower profit.
Allowing students to win more cash may get more of them interested in your fundraiser. Students may be more motivated to reach higher prize levels because they can win more cash. The additional items sold may more than offset the lower profit.
Student participation is essential when it comes to fundraising. Therefore, it may be worth accepting a slightly lower profit if you can get more students to sell. This may end up tipping the scales in favor of providing a bigger cash incentive plan for some groups.
Author Bio
Clay Boggess has been designing fundraising programs for schools and various nonprofit organizations throughout the US since 1999. He’s helped administrators, teachers, and outside support entities such as PTAs and PTOs raise millions of dollars. Clay is an owner and partner at Big Fundraising Ideas.