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Fundraising Prep Strategies During Summer Break

By Clay Boggess on Apr 19, 2017
Fundraising Prep Strategies During Summer Break

Set your school fundraiser up for success this summer.

School fundraising programs can be exciting and fast-paced experiences for parents, students, educators, and volunteers alike. More often than not, schools choose to capitalize on the high-energy start of the school year to hold fundraisers, adding one more thing to an already busy season for families.

Take advantage of the summertime slow-down to get ahead of the game so that fundraising is easy—and successful—when the kids head back to school. Here are some school fundraising preparation strategies to keep in your back pocket.

Fundraise First

School fundraising programs are all over the place during the first few weeks of school, which likely means your children won't be alone in their selling endeavors. Use summertime to create your prospect list, gather contact information, and send an interest letter.

We suggest discussing their planned dates and products or brochures with your school's fundraising team. Then, think of 20 friends, family members, or coworkers you can quickly contact and send them a head up letter. They'll be committed to your child when fundraising time rolls around. Be sure to include some information about the school's mission and pressing needs, and review our suggestions for framing your mission.

Fundraise with Friends

If you like to go the extra mile as a hands-on school fundraising volunteer, summer is the best time to start building a team. Other parents will feel relaxed and optimistic about the coming year and may even have personal resolutions to be more involved with their child's educational community.

Start networking with parents and faculty before the end of the school year, and keep in contact over summer break. The transition will be smoother once the school year begins by ensuring the fundraising prospect stays on the horizon. You can even consider having social meetings to get parents and other volunteers excited about participating in the fundraiser.

Fundraise with Figures

School fundraising strategies are best when supported by data. We've got an in-depth look at how to effectively evaluate past school fundraisers and set yourself up for success.

Use this time to proactively form missions and set goals based on previous years' results. If data has been lacking in years past, summer can be a great time to work with volunteers to get the necessary tools and systems to ensure this fundraising season generates measurable results for your school.

You have the power to position your child's school for success during the summer by exploring all the great options Big Fundraising Ideas has to offer. Make good use of a little bit of extra free time, and watch it make a real difference in the quality of education at your child's school this year.

Author Bio Clay Boggess, Author

Clay Boggess has been designing fundraising programs for schools and various nonprofit organizations throughout the US since 1999. He’s helped administrators, teachers, and outside support entities such as PTAs and PTOs raise millions of dollars. Clay is an owner and partner at Big Fundraising Ideas.

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