A Good Discount Card Fundraiser is about Location

Submitted by Clay Boggess on

Where you sell discount cards can make all the difference.

Where a discount card fundraiser takes place can help determine the success of your sale. You can sell your cards one at a time by showing them to neighbors, family, and friends. After all, these people are probably most likely to buy because they know you.

However, since your main goal is to sell off your supply as quickly as possible, you can also look for creative ways to bring customers to you. Where your discount card fundraiser is promoted can help you sell off more cards in less time. In other words, the sales process is accelerated when your cards are seen in high-traffic areas.

Set Up a Cafeteria Fundraiser Table

Get permission to set up tables during the lunch breaks at school. Make P.A. announcements that inform everyone that the _______________ discount card will be available during lunch at your sales tables. Be sure to mark your tables. It is best if the tables can be set up for more than one day so students can have a chance to bring back money for the cards.

Selling Discount Cards at the Supermarket

Many supermarkets will let groups set up sales tables near their entrances. Schedule volunteers to staff the tables, have plenty of cards and mark your tables well. Speak to each person who goes by. Don’t miss an opportunity because you were talking to other volunteers.

Some groups have prepared promotional flyers to inform the people of the discounts. They can give one to everyone who enters the store. When a flyer is handed to a person, make a simple request like saying, “Please read this before you leave the store. You could save as much as $100 or more.” If you use the flyer idea at a store, list two or more phone numbers that a person can call to get a card.

Employer Lunchrooms Sales

Larger employers may allow you to set up a sales table in their cafeterias for a day or two. This would also be an excellent place to use flyers. Again, speak to everyone who gets close to your table. It’s more desirable to purchase discount cards from someone friendly.

See our discount card fundraiser.

Author Bio

Clay Boggess has been designing fundraising programs for schools and various nonprofit organizations throughout the US since 1999. He’s helped administrators, teachers, and outside support entities such as PTAs and PTOs raise millions of dollars. Clay is an owner and partner at Big Fundraising Ideas.