Are you considering discount cards?
Deciding to do a discount card fundraiser can be highly profitable, but knowing the potential pros and cons is essential. Unlike a brochure sale, where you only pay for what you order, discount cards require preordering. This means that you'll need to determine the appropriate number of cards to order ahead of time. If you over-order, you won't be able to return the leftovers since the cards will have your group name on them. Therefore, You'll need a plan to sell off any excess. Under-ordering has the opposite problem, as you'll have to wait for your reorder so you can continue selling. Here are some things you may want to consider first:
Advantages of a Discount Card Fundraiser
- They're practical. Everyone's looking to save money, and discount cards provide discounts in the stores where consumers shop. Once sellers point them out to potential buyers, the cards sell themselves. Plus, the cards typically pay for themselves after only the first couple of uses.
- The offers last. Unlike some products, discount cards can be used daily for a year. In addition, customers can take advantage of any of the discounts on their cards.
- They give back to the businesses. Because businesses that agree to be on a discount card don't have to pay anything, they receive free advertising and the potential for increased foot traffic. Businesses are seen positively as a supporter of the local fundraising group.
- They offer variety. A typical discount card usually offers between 12-15 businesses; however, some cards can have up to 25. This makes the card more desirable to a wide variety of people.
- They're simple. Unlike many products, you offer a single card to the customer. They can see what they're getting. This makes life easier for everyone involved. Your delivery is hassle-free as well.
- They promote your group. Because the front of your card can be customized with your group information, people in the community will find out about you. The front of your discount card can even be used to promote your team's schedule or players.
See our discount card fundraiser.
The Potential Disadvantages
- People forget to use them. Probably the biggest complaint is that people end up not using their cards. Discount cards are small, like credit cards, and easily fit into a purse or wallet; however, people don't often think about using the card until after the fact.
- Not everyone will like the offers. Even though you thought you included the most popular businesses in your area, not everyone will use the stores on your card. In addition, if you're using only local vendors, people from a nearby town may not be interested in your card. This is why it is also essential to determine how large your selling radius will be.
- Cards take time to build. Unlike a typical brochure fundraiser, contacting and signing up the businesses for your card takes time. Therefore, you won't be able to start selling right away. This process usually takes about five weeks. Reputable fundraising companies build exclusive cards for groups from scratch. This is so you'll receive exclusive businesses that other groups won't get while receiving the ones you want. Some companies use businesses from an existing database that you may or may not want. If a company offers to send cards right away, this usually means that you're using a pre-printed card used by another group in your area.
- Unsold cards cannot be returned. Because of the time invested in building a customized card for a school, most companies don't take back returns. It's essential to determine how many cards your group can sell. You can always order additional cards with a short turnaround time. Any cards that do come back can usually be resold relatively easily.
- You are only offering one product. Unlike a brochure that offers a variety of items, either people will be interested in purchasing your card or won't.
- Discount card programs are popular. Before signing on to run a discount card program, make sure that you check around to ensure that other groups in your area are not already selling them. It helps that your card is exclusive; however, many people won't buy a second discount card if they have already bought one from another group.
Author Bio
Clay Boggess has been designing fundraising programs for schools and various nonprofit organizations throughout the US since 1999. He’s helped administrators, teachers, and outside support entities such as PTAs and PTOs raise millions of dollars. Clay is an owner and partner at Big Fundraising Ideas.