Why you may want to stay with traditional prizes.
Choosing the right prize program that will motivate your group should be as important as selecting a brochure to sell. Unfortunately, many don’t consider it as high a priority. When people initially submit our form requesting more information, the prize program field is often blank. We intentionally set the prize program field as optional to track how many people would make a selection.
We’re optimistic when sponsors choose a prize program on their submission form. For example, they may want to learn more about our super party or magic show. This tells us that the sponsor has taken the time to review our various incentive plans.
More importantly, they’ve been able to define further what they feel will best motivate their group to make sales. If a specific prize program is selected, we can send them more information about it.
Big event prize programs have been proven to increase sales more than traditional incentive plans have. Students find them exciting, unique, and easy to qualify for, but they aren’t for everyone. Here are some things to consider before choosing a big event prize package.
Big Event Programs Require Disciplined Sponsors
It would be ideal if every student in the school could sell the 5-item minimum required to attend a big event magic show, for instance. The magic show assembly is educational, and every student that attends will benefit. However, not every student will sell. So do you give in and let everyone go anyway? If you do, make sure and think about the potential consequences. Strong sponsors will always stick to their original commitment by being consistent with every student.
Let the Fundraising Process Take its Course
If the students who didn’t qualify hear about how much fun the event was by word of mouth, perhaps they’ll be more interested in selling next time. It’s not uncommon for sales to continue to increase with subsequent fundraisers as more students jump on board over time. However, are you willing to be patient and let this happen?
It's Okay if Some Parents Don’t Get It
You may get complaints from a few parents who feel it’s unfair to make students sell to attend an event at school. They don’t understand that raising money is the ultimate goal and should take precedence. Sponsors who feel equal opportunity doesn’t necessarily translate into equal outcomes will fare much better with our big event prize programs.
We hope more sponsors will realize that choosing the right prize program for their students is just as important as selecting the perfect brochure for their supporters.
Author Bio
Clay Boggess has been designing fundraising programs for schools and various nonprofit organizations throughout the US since 1999. He’s helped administrators, teachers, and outside support entities such as PTAs and PTOs raise millions of dollars. Clay is an owner and partner at Big Fundraising Ideas.