Beyond Fundraising for School Supplies and Student Programs

Submitted by Clay Boggess on

How students chose to put their fundraising profit to good.

Unifying students behind a shared goal can help ensure the fundraising team is intrinsically motivated and incentivized by the cause, leading to a more successful fundraiser.

We see students rally behind various causes on the school campus, from field trips to new soccer fields, but sometimes they find a need beyond fundraising for school supplies and student programs.

While schools traditionally use fundraising to cover several critical necessities and improvements that would otherwise not receive funding, Big Fundraising Ideas wanted to share a few recent inspirational stories of how students came together for another kind of greater good this week.

From supporting inclusivity to raising money to cover medical costs, stories like these teach us the value of fundraising and how we can make a difference.

“The best way to not feel hopeless is to get up and do something. Don’t wait for good things to happen to you. If you go out and make some good things happen, you will fill the world with hope, you will fill yourself with hope.” ― Barack Obama

Fundraising Inspirations

Inclusive Playground

The Brunswick City School Board of Education in Ohio recognized one Towslee Elementary School second grader this month for her outstanding efforts to raise money for an inclusive playground project for an aging local community park. What started as $60 sales from the little girl's lemonade stand ultimately turned into over $800.

With news about the cause quickly gaining local and national attention, generous donors later matched the initial $800 with another $1,900. The second grader knew just how meaningful the new playground would be for other kids with disabilities like her in the local community.

Animal Sanctuary

With help from their teacher, two River Mill Elementary School third graders recently raised over $1,200 for the Out to Pasture Animal Shelter in Clackamas County, Oregon. As a haven that accepts 150 previously abused and neglected animals, Out to Pasture is a respite for innocent creatures to live free from fear for the rest of their lives.

The funds raised will be used for food and other necessities. A manifestation of kindness and compassion, this fundraising effort was just as beneficial for the third graders who spearheaded it.

Cancer Research and Treatment Costs

With cancer rates a growing concern, students nationwide are fundraising to turn the tide – from raising money for nationwide research to directly helping someone they know.

In Texas this month, three Pottsboro siblings organized a fundraiser to help a 12-year-old neighbor in need. The group raised $12,500 to support medical costs for their young friend diagnosed with Hodgkin's lymphoma in April.

And earlier this month, two soon-to-be seniors from Ridge Point High School in Texas were recognized for raising $111,000 for the Leukemia & Lymphoma Society's (LLS) annual Students of the Year fundraising campaign.

The students explained, "We pushed ourselves to reach our goal because every dollar helps blood cancer patients. […] Our motivation stemmed from the incredible mission of LLS and those who benefit from LLS's advances in cancer research."

School Fundraising Facts

No matter the purpose, school fundraising continues to develop character and ensure a high-quality educational experience. NP Source cited the following statistics:

  • School groups raise more than $1.5 billion yearly, selling various products.
  • Traditional product fundraising accounts for roughly 80% of the dollars school groups use to provide "extras" for their schools.
  • 67% of principals turn fundraising decisions over to their PTO or PTA
  • 71% of parents said they'd sold fundraising products to friends, family, and co-workers.
  • 35% of schools average $0 – $5,000 in annual earnings from fundraising, while 27.1% earn more than $75,000.


Big Fundraising Ideas has been helping students, teachers, teams, youth groups, and communities come together for the greater good since 1999. Learn about our programs to find your next big fundraising idea.

Author Bio

Clay Boggess has been designing fundraising programs for schools and various nonprofit organizations throughout the US since 1999. He’s helped administrators, teachers, and outside support entities such as PTAs and PTOs raise millions of dollars. Clay is an owner and partner at Big Fundraising Ideas.