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Analyzing the ROI of Different School Fundraising Products

By Clay Boggess on Sep 14, 2024
School Fundraising Products

Blog Summary: This comprehensive guide explores the importance of analyzing ROI in school fundraising to help schools choose the most profitable products. It covers the basics of ROI and the factors affecting it. It also offers a detailed ROI analysis of common fundraising products like candy sales, custom apparel, and online fundraisers. It also provides actionable strategies to maximize ROI, such as choosing the right products, effective marketing, and leveraging technology.

Why Fundraising is Crucial for Schools

Fundraising is the backbone of many schools' efforts to fund extracurricular activities, educational programs, and essential resources not covered by standard budgets. From new playground equipment to art supplies and field trips, these initiatives depend heavily on the success of fundraising efforts.

As such, schools must select the right fundraising products that resonate with their communities and offer a high return on investment (ROI). By understanding and analyzing the ROI of different fundraising products, schools can make informed decisions that maximize their efforts and resources.

We’ve designed this guide to help schools choose the most profitable fundraising products by analyzing their ROI. We will explore what ROI means in the context of school fundraising, examine common fundraising products, and provide actionable strategies for maximizing ROI.

Understanding ROI in School Fundraising

What is ROI?

ROI, or Return on Investment, is a financial metric that measures an investment’s profitability relative to its cost. In the context of school fundraising, ROI is the ratio of the net profit earned from a fundraiser to the initial investment made. Calculating ROI allows schools to determine how effective a fundraising product or campaign is in generating income. A higher ROI indicates a more profitable fundraising effort.

Why is ROI Important?

Understanding and calculating ROI is crucial for schools because it allows them to evaluate the financial success of their fundraising efforts. With limited resources and time, schools need to focus on fundraisers that yield the highest return, ensuring that the money raised covers costs and leaves a substantial profit for the intended purpose. High ROI fundraisers are more efficient, helping schools reach their financial goals quicker and with less effort.

Factors Affecting ROI

Several factors influence the ROI of a school fundraiser, and understanding these can help in choosing the right products and strategies.

  1. Initial Investment Costs: The upfront costs of purchasing fundraising products can vary significantly. Lower initial costs generally lead to a higher ROI, assuming the products sell well.
  2. Sales Potential: The appeal of the product to the school’s community and the broader market influences the volume of sales. Popular products with broad appeal can drive higher sales, increasing overall revenue and ROI.
  3. Community Engagement: The level of involvement and enthusiasm from students, parents, and the local community can significantly impact the success of a fundraiser. Engaged communities are more likely to support fundraisers, boosting sales and ROI.
  4. Profit Margins: The difference between the cost of the products and their selling price determines the profit margin. Higher profit margins contribute directly to a higher ROI.

Common Types of School Fundraising Products

Schools have a variety of fundraising products to choose from, each with its unique advantages and potential ROI. Below, we break down some of the most common types.

Brochure Fundraisers

Brochure fundraisers involve selling products from a catalog, such as holiday decorations, gourmet treats, or household items. Students take orders and collect payments, while the products are delivered later.


  • Wide variety of products to choose from.
  • No upfront costs, as products are paid for after orders and money are collected.
  • Easy to manage and distribute.


  • Requires organization and follow-up for delivery.
  • Sales are limited to what is available in the brochure.

Average ROI: Brochure fundraisers typically offer moderate to high ROI, with profit margins ranging from 30% to 50%, depending on the products selected.

Direct Sale Products

Direct sale products are items that students sell directly to customers, such as candy bars, snacks, or bottled water. Groups often sell them at school events or door-to-door in the community.


  • Immediate sales and revenue.
  • Simple to execute with minimal paperwork.
  • No redelivery is required.


  • Requires upfront purchase of products.
  • Unsold inventory may lead to losses.

Average ROI: Direct sale products can offer a high ROI, especially for low-cost items with high markups. Profit margins can range from 40% to 70%, depending on the product and sales strategy.

Online Fundraisers

Online fundraisers leverage digital platforms to sell products or collect donations. This category includes digital products, crowdfunding campaigns, and e-commerce-based fundraisers.


  • Wide reach, as groups can sell products to a larger audience online.
  • Convenient for participants and supporters.
  • No physical inventory to manage.


  • It may require a platform fee or percentage of sales.
  • Less personal interaction can impact sales.

Average ROI: Online fundraisers can offer a moderate to high ROI, with profit margins often depending on platform fees and the effectiveness of online marketing efforts.

Event-Based Fundraisers

Event-based fundraisers include activities like bake sales, car washes, and fun runs. These events often combine product sales with community engagement.


  • High potential for community involvement.
  • Opportunity to sell additional items during the event.
  • Ability to generate significant revenue in a short time.


  • Requires significant planning and volunteer effort.
  • Weather or timing can affect turnout and sales.

Average ROI: Event-based fundraisers can vary widely in ROI, but successful events typically see profit margins of 50% or more, particularly when products are donated or made in-house.

Analyzing ROI for Popular Fundraising Products

To help schools choose the best fundraising products, let's analyze the ROI of some popular options.

Candy and Snack Sales

Cost of Products: Candy and snack items are typically low-cost, and schools purchase them in bulk at a discounted rate.

Expected Sales Volume: Due to their universal appeal, candy and snacks tend to sell well, particularly among students and parents.

Typical Profit Margins: Schools can expect profit margins of 40% to 60%, depending on the pricing strategy and the specific products chosen.

Overall ROI Analysis: With low initial costs and high sales potential, candy and snack sales generally offer a high ROI. They are ideal for quick fundraisers or as a supplement to larger events.

Gift Wrap and Seasonal Items

Cost of Products: Seasonal items, such as gift wraps, holiday decorations, and themed products, often have higher upfront costs, especially when purchased in bulk.

Seasonal Sales Trends: These products are most successful when sold during the relevant season, such as the holiday period, which can lead to high sales volumes.

Profit Margins: Profit margins typically range from 30% to 50%, influenced by the time of year and competition from retail stores.

Overall ROI Analysis: While seasonal items can yield a moderate to high ROI, their success is heavily dependent on timing and the ability to market these products effectively during peak seasons.

Custom Apparel and School Spirit Items

Cost of Production: Custom apparel, such as T-shirts, hoodies, and hats, has variable costs based on the quantity ordered and the complexity of the designs.

Sales Volume Potential: These items tend to have steady demand, especially if they promote school pride or are part of a specific event or cause.

Profit Margins: Profit margins can range from 20% to 40%, depending on the pricing strategy and the cost of production.

Overall ROI Analysis: Custom apparel can offer a solid ROI, particularly if the designs resonate with students and the wider school community. However, careful consideration of production costs and potential unsold inventory is essential.

Subscription-Based Fundraisers

Subscription-based fundraisers involve selling ongoing subscriptions to products or services, such as magazines, meal kits, or educational materials.

Cost and Sales Potential: These fundraisers typically have lower upfront costs, as companies often handle fulfillment. Sales potential is high, particularly for popular or essential services.

Profit Margins: Schools can earn a commission on each subscription sold, with profit margins ranging from 30% to 50%.

Overall ROI Analysis: Subscription-based fundraisers can offer a high ROI due to their recurring revenue model. They are particularly effective when marketed well, and schools can benefit from ongoing income without repeated efforts.

Digital Products

Cost of Running Online Campaigns: Digital products, such as eBooks, online courses, or virtual experiences, have minimal production costs but may require investment in online platforms or marketing.

Potential Reach and Engagement: The digital nature of these products allows for a wide reach, potentially attracting support from outside the immediate school community.

Profit Margins: Profit margins for digital products can be very high, often exceeding 60%, as there are no physical production costs.

Overall ROI Analysis: Digital products can provide an excellent ROI, especially for schools with a tech-savvy community. However, success depends heavily on effective online marketing and engagement strategies.

Maximizing ROI in School Fundraising

To maximize the ROI of any school fundraising effort, schools need to consider several key strategies.

Choosing the Right Product

Aligning with School Culture and Community Preferences: The success of a fundraiser often hinges on selecting products that align with the school’s culture and the interests of the community. Schools should survey parents, students, and staff to gauge what products are likely to sell best.

Considering Timing and Seasonality: Timing is critical in fundraising. Schools should plan fundraisers around key events and seasons when people are more likely to spend money, such as holidays or the start of the school year.

Effective Marketing and Promotion

Utilizing Social Media and School Communication Channels: Schools should leverage social media platforms, newsletters, and school websites to promote fundraisers. Engaging visuals, compelling stories, and regular updates can help maintain interest and drive sales.

Engaging Parents, Students, and the Community: Personal involvement from students, teachers, and parents can significantly boost a fundraiser’s success. Schools should encourage participants to share the fundraiser with their networks and offer incentives for top sellers.

Cost Management

Reducing Upfront Costs Through Bulk Purchases or Donations: Schools can negotiate bulk purchase discounts with suppliers or seek donations from local businesses to reduce initial costs and increase ROI.

Partnering with Local Businesses for Sponsorship: Local businesses can provide financial support or in-kind donations in exchange for sponsorship recognition. This partnership can lower costs and increase the visibility of the fundraiser.

Leveraging Technology

Using Digital Platforms for Tracking and Reporting: Digital fundraising platforms can streamline the process of tracking sales, managing inventory, and reporting profits, helping schools stay organized and make data-driven decisions.

Implementing Online Payment Systems to Simplify Transactions: Schools should consider using online payment systems to facilitate transactions for both sellers and buyers. This can reduce the administrative burden and improve the overall efficiency of the fundraiser.


What is the average ROI for school fundraisers?

The average ROI varies depending on the type of product and the fundraising strategy. For example, candy sales often yield an ROI of 40% to 60%, while online fundraisers might offer a 30% to 50% ROI. It's important to consider all factors, including initial costs and potential sales, when estimating ROI.

How can schools increase the ROI of their fundraising efforts?

Schools can increase ROI by carefully selecting high-demand products, effectively promoting the fundraiser, reducing upfront costs, and engaging the community. Utilizing technology to streamline operations and track sales can also improve efficiency and profitability.

What are the most profitable school fundraising products?

Products with high profit margins and broad appeal, such as candy, snacks, and custom apparel, tend to be the most profitable. Online fundraisers and digital products also offer high ROI potential, particularly for tech-savvy communities.

Is it better to choose traditional or online fundraising methods?

Both traditional and online fundraisers have their advantages. Traditional methods, like direct sales and events, often generate immediate revenue and can be highly engaging. Online fundraisers offer broader reach and convenience but may require more advanced marketing strategies. Schools should consider their community's preferences and resources when deciding.

How can schools calculate the ROI of their fundraising efforts?

Schools can calculate ROI by subtracting the total costs of the fundraiser from the total revenue generated, then dividing by the initial investment and multiplying by 100. This calculation provides a percentage that reflects the profitability of the fundraiser.

Take Away

Understanding and analyzing ROI is essential for schools to maximize the profitability of their fundraising efforts. By carefully evaluating different fundraising products and strategies, schools can choose the options that offer the best return on investment. Whether opting for traditional product sales, online fundraisers, or event-based activities, focusing on ROI will help schools achieve their financial goals more efficiently.

Start planning your next high-ROI fundraiser with Big Fundraising Ideas today! By selecting our products and leveraging effective strategies, your school can successfully raise the funds needed to support your students and programs.

Author Bio Clay Boggess, Author

Clay Boggess has been designing fundraising programs for schools and various nonprofit organizations throughout the US since 1999. He's helped administrators, teachers, and outside support entities such as PTAs and PTOs raise millions of dollars. Clay is an owner and partner at Big Fundraising Ideas.

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