Simple ways to bring in extra money.
It used to be that the only way to make a sale was to walk up to people directly and ask them to buy. While meeting with neighbors, family, and friends is still a great strategy, more successful sellers have incorporated three additional ways to make school fundraising sales.
After all, you can only approach so many people with a brochure. And even though in-person selling can be effective, it's hard work.
Here are three ways to bring in more sales without reinventing the wheel.
1. Utilize Online Fundraising
Why are some students successful at reaching the higher prize levels? It's because they're able to make sales in person as well as online. To get more students involved with online selling, schools should:
- Send an online information letter home to parents.
- Tell students to invite family and friends to buy online.
- Regularly remind students about the online store.
2. Get Others Involved
In addition to students approaching family and friends, they should be encouraged to get their family members involved in the selling. It's not uncommon for students to ask their parents to take the brochure to work. Also, why not ask others, like older siblings and close relatives, to help? The more people students can get to help them make sales, the better.
3. Leverage Social Media
Social media like Facebook and Twitter can cause help get the word out. Why not send your friends and followers a message with a link to your fundraiser's online store? Make sure to make your message personable and relevant but straightforward.
Because of new technology, the potential to make additional school fundraising sales has never been more significant. The key is to work hard as well as smart.
Author Bio
Clay Boggess has been designing fundraising programs for schools and various nonprofit organizations throughout the US since 1999. He’s helped administrators, teachers, and outside support entities such as PTAs and PTOs raise millions of dollars. Clay is an owner and partner at Big Fundraising Ideas.