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Traditional Prize Programs

School Fundraiser Traditional Prize Programs
Traditional Prize Programs
Traditional Prize Program Ideas

Offer a Prize to Every Seller

Students will win the latest and greatest in prizes, toys, and games when they sell out of their brochure.

All prizes are free. Our traditional prize programs are also hassle-free because prizes come prepacked by seller.

  • Prizes come in seller's order.
  • Win as many as 10 prizes.
  • All prizes free to the group.
  • Prizes free of charge.
  • Prizes are cumulative.
  • Each seller gets a prize flyer.
  • Win up to 8 prizes.
  • Packed according to seller.
  • Low 1 item sales requirement.
  • Great for older sellers.
  • Win a $100 Amazon Gift Card.
  • Earn up to 10 prizes.
  • Great for older sellers.
  • Sellers win up to 6 prizes.
  • Prizes are presorted by seller.
  • Prizes come in seller's order.
  • Win as many as 10 prizes.
  • All prizes free to the group.
  • Boost your online sales.
  • Shipped by prize level.
  • Prizes free of charge.