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How to Succeed at Small Group Fundraiser Kickoffs

By Clay Boggess on Jan 17, 2010
How to Succeed at Small Group Fundraiser Kickoffs

Kickoff tips for smaller group fundraisers.

If you sponsor a smaller organization, like a high school cheerleader group or middle school band, the fundraiser kickoff is one of the most important parts of your sale. It allows you to set the tone for a successful sale in the minds of your sellers. The time you invest in preparing for and executing your kickoff presentation can affect your outcome.

So don't simply pass out your materials and say a few words at the end of practice. You'll always get out what you put in. Successful small group fundraiser kickoffs should be official planned meetings that require 30-45 minutes of your students' time.

Why Have a Sales Kickoff Meeting?

The primary purpose of the kickoff is to generate as much enthusiasm for your sale as possible. Your group must see you as organized, passionate, and convincing; otherwise, they won't buy in. The more passionate you are, the more excited your sellers will be and the more they want to get involved. As a result, you will make more money. You must also be prepared to convince your sellers why they should participate.

Communicate your Fundraiser Purpose

The first thing you should do at your meeting is to communicate your purpose. Don't assume your group will automatically embrace your campaign. Once you introduce it, you must continue reinforcing it throughout your sale. If it's important to you, it will be important to them. How will you convince your sellers that your purpose is important to them directly? A well-communicated purpose will motivate everyone to work harder.

Reinforce Your Seller Goal

How much will each Seller need to sell? Do your calculations ahead of time and come up with a reasonable number. Ensure that your students put this number at the top of their order form. For example, "GOAL: 10 or more items". You can do this by:

  • First, determine the total amount each Seller will need to raise.
  • Then take the retail amount (Use $12.00) and multiply it by your profit percentage to determine the total profit/item. 
  • Finally, divide the total money needed/seller by the total profit/item to determine the number of items each Seller will need to sell.

Discuss the Fundraising Process

Pass out your supplies and review the following:

  • Order Forms
    • Fill in the spaces at the top and review how the order forms will need to be filled out by customers.
    • Ensure they only talk to people they know and encourage them to ask their family members to help.
  • Sales Brochures
    • Review the sales brochure page by page with your sellers.
    • You should familiarize yourself with it before the kickoff.
  • Prize Brochure
    • Explain what they can win
    • They only have to sell a few items daily to reach their goal.
  • Parent Letter
    • Make copies of your letter before your kickoff
  • Money Envelopes
    • Explain that money must be collected upfront.
    • Checks are made payable to your group.
    • Money and order forms are due back by the turn-in day.

Maintain High Seller Enthusiasm

  • Check in with your sellers by talking about the sale daily.

Use Additional Fundraising Incentives

Create a competition between your sellers by offering fun yet rewarding additional incentives. Here are some examples:

  • Top Seller after the 1st day.
  • Daily Drawings using our prize drawing coupons.
  • Grand Prize Drawing (Sell 5 to get your name at one time. Then, for every additional five items sold, you get your name at additional times)
  • Top Overall Seller (Reward the one who works the hardest and turns in the most orders)

See our brochure fundraisers.

Author Bio Clay Boggess, Author

Clay Boggess has been designing fundraising programs for schools and various nonprofit organizations throughout the US since 1999. He’s helped administrators, teachers, and outside support entities such as PTAs and PTOs raise millions of dollars. Clay is an owner and partner at Big Fundraising Ideas.

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