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Get More Out of Your Fundraiser

Use our prize drawing coupons, access our 'Goal Setting Guide', or learn whether your state collects sales tax.

Improve your knowledge. Search this section for creative ways to enhance your school fundraising experience.

Allows you to reward your students during your fundraiser for making sales.
A way to motivate students to talk to people about purchasing items from…
A reward for selling that allows students to keep the money they jump over.
A special school privilege card offered to students who sell 25 or more…
Provides tips on implementing a money wheel or money machine into your…
An incentive where students get to soak their favorite teacher at a super…
A portable at-school video game room incentive. A great alternative to the…
Learn how to add extra fundraising incentives to motivate your students to…
Describes the benefits of using our fundraiser video and what's included.
Offers suggestions on how to set up and show your kickoff video.