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Get More Out of Your Fundraiser

Use our prize drawing coupons, access our 'Goal Setting Guide', or learn whether your state collects sales tax.

Improve your knowledge. Search this section for creative ways to enhance your school fundraising experience.

Learn what 5 things your students receive before they start fundraising.
Discusses how increasing student participation is the best way to improve…
Helps you prepare your brochure order for easy processing and shipping.
Learn how to track student sales and progress during your fundraiser.
Helps sponsors track product that has been distributed to students to sell…
Helps sponsors keep up with money collection during a discount card sale.
Provides a breakdown of each states tax requirements as it relates to…
Allows students to determine how many items need to be sold to cover their…
Recommended for high school students as a way to increase participation.
An incentive game where students turn in coupons for a chance to win…